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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Usually an issue of Slovak Ethnology has a thematic focus, which is supervised either by a guest editor or a member of the editorial board, but articles on other topics can be accepted as well. Details of themes and editors are announced at least two issues in advance. All correspondence should be addressed to the editorial office unless otherwise indicated.

Types of Articles

Major articles

Articles are reports of original work presenting results of empirical research 
interpreted from a certain theoretical perspective. The text cannot exceed 25 pages 
(6,250 words or 45,000 characters with spaces including footnotes), and should be 
accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words (1,400 characters with 
spaces), and a maximum of 5 tables and figures (in total). Word count includes only 
the main body of text including footnotes (i.e., not tables, figures, abstracts or 

Research reports 

Report articles present research findings of certain significance for ethnology or 
anthropology, and this significance must be made clear in the text. The text cannot 
exceed 25 pages (6,250 words or 45,000 characters with spaces including footnotes), 
and should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words (1,400 
characters with spaces), and a maximum of 5 tables and figures (in total). Word count 
includes only the main body of text including footnotes (i.e., not tables, figures, 
abstracts or references).


These articles present authors’ views on important issues of the social sciences, not 
necessarily referring to authors’ original findings or research results. They can contain 
critical arguments concerning current research problems, particular findings in the social sciences, or other important issues in the academic sphere including work of 
relevant institutions. The text cannot exceed 15 pages (3,750 words or 27,000 
characters with spaces including footnotes), and should be accompanied by an 
abstract of no more than 200 words (1,400 characters with spaces). Word count 
includes only the main body of text including footnotes (i.e., not tables, figures, 
abstracts or references).

Book reviews/Review Essays

Reviews are intended to bring information on new or otherwise important publications in the field of social sciences. Review articles should not exceed 5 pages (1,250 words or 9,000 characters with spaces including footnotes). Review Essays must have a minimum of three titles reviewed and be 7 to 15 pages (2000 to 4000 words or 14,000 to 28,000 characters with spaces including footnotes) in length. In both cases we prefer the format of a book essay, i.e. review of books as a discussion with references to other literature.


Manuscripts are accepted for consideration by the editors of Slovak Ethnology with the understanding that the texts represent original material, have not been published previously, are not being considered for publication elsewhere, and have been approved by each author. Any form of publication other than an abstract of no more than 400 words constitutes prior publication. This includes components of symposia, proceedings, transactions, books (or chapters), invited articles, or reports of any kind, regardless of differences in readership, as well as electronic databases of a public 

Manuscripts should be submitted in Slovak or English. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically as e-mail attachments to Only Microsoft Word 6.0 (or higher) or rich text (rtf) formats will be accepted. Please check for and eliminate all viruses before sending. The manuscript should be in its final form when submitted. The entrusted editor will acknowledge (via e-mail) receipt of the manuscript submitted. The journal has no article submission charges or article processing charges.

For further information look at the Peer-review and guidelines for reviewers and the Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement. The journal doesn´t offer any financial remuneration,  contributors will receive one free copy of the relevant issue.


Form of the Manuscript

A 12-point standard font such as Times or Times New Roman is required and should 
be used for all text, including headings, notes, and references. An unusual character or 
diacritical mark should be flagged or commented by author in attached e-mail. The 
pages of the manuscript should be organized as follows.

Structure of the Manuscript

Cover Page

The cover page should provide the title of the article, complete contact information 
for each author (address, phone, fax, and e-mail), his/her/their academic degrees, 
current position and affiliations, and any acknowledgments. Please provide a total 
word count and indicate the number of tables and/or figures included. The figures 
should be named clearly so that their placement in the text can easily be matched to 
where they are called out in the text.

Abstract and keywords

The article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words and 4 to 6 
keywords (1,400 characters with spaces). The abstract should include the research 
question, identify the data, and give some indication of the findings. 

Structure of the text

  • Section headings should be in roman type in all cases and not in italics. 
  • Please use the tab key when indenting for a paragraph.


Tables, figures, photos and corresponding captions should be placed in separate files; 
only placement indicators should appear in the main text. Figures and tables should be 
numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. 
For optimal reproduction figures or photos should be submitted as TIFF, JPG 
(resolution at least at 300 dpi) or EPS (800 dpi), with all fonts embedded. 

Article title and headings

  • Use capitalization in the article title and headings (in English) for nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives;
  • Prepositions and conjunctions are not capitalized (or, but, over, through, between);

This part of the guidelines is based on the ‘Information for contributors’ of the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures and ‘Information for authors’ of The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.


  • Avoid unnecessary abbreviations.
  • Acronyms must be spelled out on first appearance;
  • Provide parenthetical explanations: REM (rapid eye movement);
  • Style and titles do not take full point (Dr,Jr, St, Mme, Ms etc.);
  • Some abbreviations drop the full point, including those in the international system of measurement (m, mm, kg);
  • Etymological abbreviations do not take full points (EME, OF, OW);
  • Abbreviations of time carry no full point (AD, BC, am, pm [lower case]);
  • Abbreviations of organizations do not carry full points, unless the PMLA standard listing indicates otherwise (USA, UK, NZ, BBC, ITV, UNESCO, RSC);
  • Common abbreviations from the Latin do take full points (e.g., i.e., etc., ibid., et al.).


  • All punctuation should be followed by a single space and not a double space;
  • There should be no period at the end of headings or subheads;
  • There is no need for double punctuation at the end of a sentence, either after an abbreviation or after a punctuation mark in quotation marks or a book or article title.


  • We recommend that contributors refer to the ALA-LC Romanization Tables system for transliteration;
  • All technical terms from languages using non-Roman alphabets (and with no acceptable romanization system) must be fully transliterated with diacritical marks clearly indicated;
  • Contributors are fully responsible for the consistency and accuracy of their transliteration;
  • Transliterated terms (with the exception of those words that have become familiar in English, such as: catharsis, habeas corpus, fait accompli) should be italicised throughout.

[Brackets] and (Parentheses)

  • Use square brackets for editorial comments within quotations or for uncertain data in references (e.g., if the publication year or city is ascertainable but does not appear in the book);
  • Brackets are also used within parentheses: (he used to go there [to Tehran] every spring);
  • Include translations of foreign-language quotations in brackets immediately following the quotation (without italics and without quotation marks).

Quotation marks

  • Always use single quotes. Double quotes are only used within a quotation.
  • Unless the punctuation is part of an original quotation, the closing quote mark precedes all punctuation;
  • Quotations of eight to ten lines or longer (or over 60 words) should be indented as extracts and separated from the main text. Such text extracts should not be set within quotation marks. Extracts longer than 400 words require copyright permission;
  • All spellings, punctuation, abbreviations, etc. within a quotation should be rendered exactly as in the original.


  • The British style for dashes requires blanks before and after the en dash;
  • The en dash is commonly used in ranges without additional spaces: 129–173, Monday–Thursday, vi–xii.

Ellipsis points(…) (. …) (, …) (… !)

  • Three points should be used for omitted text. There should be one space before and after the ellipsis;
  • If the omitted text follows a completed sentence, there should be four dots, the first indicating a period (full stop);
  • In contrast to the three-dot ellipses, there is no space between the last word in the sentence and the first period ending the sentence.

Dates, numbers and ranges

  • Dates should be written in the sequence day month year with no ordinal suffix and no punctuation (13 June 1842);
  • In-text number ranges should employ prepositions not dashes: ( “from 1924 to 1928” or “between 1924 and 1928”, do not use “from 1924–1928” and not “between 1924–1928”);
  • In the main text (except for pagination of articles), spell out numbers one to ninety-nine, except where they are attached to percentages, units or sums of money (10 km, 3 m, 25 per cent [not %]);
  • Use a hyphen in composite numbers (twenty-seven), unless they form part of a date, or volume number;
  • Numbers over 100 should be shown in figures (101, 2,485) inserting a comma between the thousands and the hundreds; 
  • Ordinals should be treated in like manner (seventh, twenty-third, 187th,2,123rd).

Italics, Underlining and Bold

  • Please use the pc format keys for italic, bold and underlining;
  • Italics should be used for book titles, titles of journals, plays, etc. and should also be indicated for foreign phrases inserted in the text: Italic: circa/c., et al., fin de siècle, inter alia, mise en scène, sic 
  • Roman: apropos, au fait, bricolage, cf. (NB= ‘compare’, not ‘see’), de facto, dramatis personae, elite, exemplum/exempla, Festschrift, ibid., leitmotif/leitmotiv, mimesis, oeuvre, per se, q.v., recherché, regime, role, status quo, stemma/stemmata, topos/topoi, tour de force. 


References should be cited according to APA style, for the instructions go here or here.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.