Call for Papers: Special Issue "Psychological Perspective on Entrepreneurship"


Entrepreneurship is a vital force in the economic development of societies, and small and medium-sized enterprises provide the majority of employment in many countries. For this reason, research in management and economics is interested in entrepreneurship and analyses it from a macro-level perspective. However, enterprises are created and managed by people, and the micro- and meso-level perspectives specific to psychological research offer new insights into entrepreneurship. At the micro-level, the analysis of the specific personal dispositions that help entrepreneurs identify opportunities, start new businesses, and run them successfully, offers valuable insights into the psychological mechanisms that encourage individuals to pursue entrepreneurship. At the mezo-level, the analysis of interpersonal and social processes in small and medium-sized enterprises provides insights into psychological mechanisms responsible for their innovativeness and success. These mechanisms can be observed in small manufacturing and service firms, but also in academic entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship or social entrepreneurship. We invite papers that investigate various psychological aspects of entrepreneurship, looking at micro- or meso-level mechanisms operating in entrepreneurs and their ventures.


1. The special issue welcomes papers on, but would not be limited to:

  • Individual differences responsible for opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial intentions and new venture creation.
  • Age and gender differences in psychological mechanisms stimulating entrepreneurship.
  • Motivational, emotional and self-regulatory factors affecting various stages of the entrepreneurial process.
  • Antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurs‘ well-being.
  • Psychological mechanisms involved in dealing with crises faced by entrepreneurs.
  • Person-oriented approach in studying entrepreneurs’ psychological functioning.
  • Psychological mechanisms responsible for entrepreneurial success related to entrepreneurs and to their teams.
  • Psychological processes occuring in entrepreneurial teams.
  • Entrepreneurs’ relationships with their broader environment, e.g., family, employees, stakeholders.
  • Methodological advances in psychology of entrepreneurship.


2. Submission

Only one paper per author is allowed.

Articles are expected in length of around 20 double-spaced pages – no longer than 6000 words without abstract, including tables and references.

Please refer to for additional instructions.

Submissions to this journal are through the on-line submission system here:

Please visit the author guidelines to read the full submission details for the Studia Psychologica journal at:

Please ensure you select this special issue from the relevant dropdown menu on page 1 of the submission process.


3. Schedule

Call for papers: September 4, 2024.

Deadline for submission: March 31, 2025.

Publication: Issue 4/2025 or 1/2026.


4. Special Issue Editors

Mariola Laguna



Ewelina Purc


Institute of Psychology, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland