About the Journal
Measurement Science Review is an "Open Access", peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Institute of Measurement Sciences of SAS since 2001. The journal is devoted to the publication of original research articles and reviews from scientific disciplines covering the Measurement Science with an orientation toward
- the theory of measurement,
- measurement of physical quantities and
- measurement in biomedicine.
The parameters of the journal increase the attractiveness of the magazine for many foreign authors and is considered as "significant international magazine", where published articles by authors from both European and non-European countries capture the latest trends in the field of the measurement science.
Two independent peer-reviewers are evaluating the submitted manuscripts. The advantage of the on-line edition of the Journal will be the speed of publication, just in a short time after receiving positive reports from reviewers.
Journal is indexed in more than 40 databases, e.g.: Current Contents®/Engineering Computing and Technology, Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, ISI Web of Knowledge, Index Copernicus International, Scopus, Electronic Journals Library, …
Editorial Board includes about 40 scientists from all continents of world. The number of applications to be a member of the International Editorial Board of the MSR magazine, mainly from abroad, is increasing every year.
It is generally known that Measurement science is the Science of sciences – there is no science without measurement. Each measuring process assumes an object of measurement. No phenomenon is a real phenomenon unless it observable in space and time, that is, unless it is a subject to measurement. The science of measurement is an indispensable ingredient in all scientific fields. Mathematical foundations and interpretation of the measurement science were accepted and further developed in most of the scientific fields, including physics, cosmology, geology, environment, quantum mechanics, statistics and metrology.
The main criteria for papers to be accepted for publication in Measurement Science Review are:
- Scientific Level - A manuscript should report important results of substantial research in one of the above mentioned fields of Measurement Science.
- Impact - The results should be novel and/or of significant importance for the field to which they contribute and possibly to others.
- General Interest - The reported work should be at the forefront of a field of broad interest, and the results should be put into a broader context of related work. Making them accessible to researchers in other fields of specialization may be achieved by suitable, clearly written introduction and conclusion. References should of course be adequate and representative.
Why subscribe and read
Journal is providing an environment for information exchange among scientists, engineers and industry people, as well as encouragement of effective and coordinated research cooperation.
Why submit
- Publishes only original articles with complete proofs by assuring a high quality reviewing process.
- On-line edition is an official journal of the Institute of Measurement.
- Science and also journal of the International Conference MEASUREMENT.