Experimental Verification of the Magnetic Field Topography inside a small Hall Thruster


  • Maciej Jakubczak Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Hery 23, 01-497, Warsaw, Poland; Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662, Warsaw, Poland https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0478-2129
  • Jacek Kurzyna Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Hery 23, 01-497, Warsaw, Poland
  • Arsenii Riazantsev Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Hery 23, 01-497, Warsaw, Poland




Hall thruster, magnetic field, topography, verification


The magnetic circuit of a 500 W class Hall thruster, an electric propulsive device for spacecraft, was characterized experimentally and the results compared with simulation in order to verify the design. The commercial 3D gaussmeter, which was used in this work, was additionally recalibrated to compensate for translation and rotation of individual Hall sensors inside the probe. The Stokes stream function approach was applied to reconstruct the magnetic field topography in the thruster. The procedure, carried out on four different cases, yielded very good agreement between simulations and measurements, even for cusped configurations. Presented technique could be used as a robust method of verification of new magnetic circuit designs not only for Hall thrusters but also for a wide class of plasma devices for which detailed knowledge about actual distribution of magnetic field is crucial for optimization.




How to Cite

Jakubczak, M., Kurzyna, J., & Riazantsev, A. (2021). Experimental Verification of the Magnetic Field Topography inside a small Hall Thruster. Measurement Science Review, 21(5), 150–157. https://doi.org/10.2478/msr-2021-0021