O časopise
The papers published in the journal analyse social phenomena based on data obtained mainly by means of ethnographic field research methods. The journal editors prefer original articles of analytical, theoretical or synthesising nature, contributing to current debates in social sciences and humanities. In terms of topics, the journal focuses predominantly on the research of ethnic, national, confessional, age and gender differences which characterise late modern societies; on the research of social, cultural and economic transformations of European societies in the historic context (modernisation, post-socialist transformation, European integration, globalisation); on the research of folk culture, folklore, tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the European and global context; on the reflection of discussions in current theoretical and methodological trends in social sciences and humanities; and the history of scientific thinking.
Each year, Slovak Ethnology / Slovenský národopis publishes two or three calls for thematic issues on current topics in ethnology, social/cultural anthropology and related disciplines. Besides problem-oriented scientific studies, the journal also publishes research reports, essays, discussions, overviews, book reviews and book essays.
The magazine provides space for critical columns on the presented articles. The studies, materials, essays, debates and overviews undergo anonymous peer review by international experts.