Number of Issues per Year: 10
Registration Number: EV 2905/09
Print ISSN: 0013-3035
Online ISSN: 2729-7470
Language: English
Print: VEDA, SAS Publishing
Publishers: Institute of Economic Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute for Forecasting of CSPS of Slovak Academy of Science
Abstracting and Indexing: The Journal is monitored by Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social and Behavioural Sciences and by electronic EconLit Index.
Chief Editor: Jarko FIDRMUC
Associate Co-Editor: Eduard BAUMOHL
Executive Editor: Tomáš JECK
Technical Editor: Silvia RÉMAYOVÁ
Adress of Editorial Office: Šancová 56, 811 05 Bratislava 1
Tel.: 02/ 52 49 82 14; ext.: 105, 122; 02/ 52 49 51 03