Author Guidelines

Articles are published in English and should have theoretical character considering the spirit of the Journal; the title is supposed to be concise and eloquent.
You are required to enclose a short abstract (8 - 10 lines, not a resume), keywords and JEL Classification as well. (See websites:

The papers should be submitted in electronic form (by e-mail) in the text editor Microsoft Word, 12-point font (Times New Roman recommended), 1.5 spacing. We prefer articles that do not exceed 8000 words (tables, figures, references, and annexes included) along, max. 2000 words for book reviews and 1200 words for informative reviews. Footnotes (gathered at the end of the page) should be consecutively numbered in the main text, as well as the illustrations, tables, graphs, and schemes. Graphs should not be placed in the main text but in a separate diskette file, preferably prepared in Excel, databases included. Any cited references should be stated in the text body or as a footnote marked by a particular consecutive number in square brackets. A list of references, with complete bibliographic information arranged alphabetically by author, should also be included at the end of the manuscript. Mathematical terms and schemes should be typed clearly, following the usual standards.

Received manuscripts are refereed by two referees, and the executive editor will notify the author of the publication decision.

Authors are requested to indicate their name, affiliation, address, e-mail address, and ORCID number. Contributions are not remunerated.

Manuscript Review Process

We employ a two-stage peer-review process to ensure the high quality of the articles published. This process consists of the following steps:

  1. Internal Editorial Review
    Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation by the editorial team. The purpose of this review is to assess whether the manuscript meets the Journal's focus and quality standards. The editorial team reserves the right to reject manuscripts at this stage if they do not meet these criteria. If accepted, the manuscript proceeds to the second stage of the review process.
  2. External Peer Review
    If the manuscript passes the internal review, it is sent to two independent external reviewers who are experts in the relevant field for a double-blind review, ensuring objectivity and impartiality in the evaluation. These reviewers evaluate the manuscript's scientific quality, originality, and contribution to the academic community. Based on their recommendations, the manuscript may be accepted, rejected, or returned to the authors for revision. After the revision, the editorial team will decide on the next steps, which may include sending the revised manuscript back to the external reviewers for further evaluation.

Charges & Fees
Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics does not charge any submission fees, editorial processing charges, article processing charges, page charges, colour charges, or charges for withdrawing the article after submission, for contributions submitted to or articles accepted for publication in the journal.
A printed version of the journal can be ordered via annual subscription for 200 EUR or purchased as single issues from the following bookstores:
ELITA, spol. s. r. o., Klincová 35, 821 08 Bratislava 2
VEDA - Bookstore of SAS Publisher, Štefánikova 3, 814 99 Bratislava 1

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Full texts and contents of all contributions published in Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics are available free of charge, without any embargo periods or subscription requirements from the readers.

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Contributions published in Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics are licensed under
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